So here am I to clear this place up a lil' bit. Well, let me explain, I've been really busy with school and every other thing hence, the neglection (if there's such a word.)
Things have been going well at Cheng San TMC, we ain't too far away from our 10/10 DCP and Ronald is gonna represent Area S1 in the Division 'S' International Speech & Table Topics Contest on 14 April 2007 at AIA Changi. Here are the pictures from the Area S1 contest...
Our Champion, Ronald!
Ronald & Fernando...

Our Cheng San TMCs!
Other than that, chapter meetings have been normal with exciting themes like 'Excite!' and I can't remember the rest.
The previous chapter meeting had a guest from Nigeria, he's a Toastmaster too! How cool. He said that it has been a totally different experience. We also had guests from Temasek Polytechnic Toastmasters Club. And ah hem...I was best speaker for that day. *Grin*
Till the next meeting, see you. Next chapter meeting is on the 28th March 2007, 7.30pm at Cheng San CC's (Ang Mo Kio) Conference Room at the 2nd level. Theme: Money, money, money. Dress code: Formal. See ya!