Sunday, July 22, 2007

Installation Night Photos (II)

Hello people, the 2nd batch of photos are finally here! Well, blogger just completed her exams and had a well-deserved rest.

Here is the continuation of the photos from part 1. From here, we see the start of the installation night proper, with the president's opening address. It is quite an emotional speech, Shuling almost teared...

But seriously, don't we all agree that she did a wonderful job in her term? Excellent superb job, President Shuling!

Then Shuling gave out little appreciation hand-made gifts. Yes, female presidents have more of such little things of cards and gifts. First to Selvi, our SAA.

Then to senior Hwee Ling and a hug...

Following that to Hung Jui, VPM and a kiss on the cheek!!

So you see why Daniel's expression is like that. He wanted a kiss too! Forgot whether he got it, camera too slow to catch. Haha! Lucky you Daniel! But Shuling gave every female a kiss!

Then to me!! A hug and a kiss too! Oh, I got this little hammer made of clay from Shuling, it's a symbol of power and advised to use it wisely. Great gift with great meaning. Thank you Shuling! It's on display in the cupboard.

Next to Ronald, a hug too... A well deserved hug to her goodie assistants of EXCO that term.

Then the photographer digressed and took a picture of Hung Jui.

After the opening address was Shenoy's speech. He did his project 10 and helped Cheng San achieved it's PERFECT 10 DCP goals! Congratulations to CC Gaja Shenoy!

See, the training on Shenoy, no nervousness at all!!

Then next it was to discharge the outgoing exco. To do that, we had past-LGET and present DG Michael Wee to do so.
Fernando Young, past-Area S1 Governor and Present Division S Governor helped to give out certificates of appreciation to the outgoing exco.
And a hug first to start the ball rolling...

First up, President Shuling and more hugs!!

A shot of Shuling and Fernando.

Next up, VPE Ronald, and another hug.

Following that a shot of Ronald and Fernando.

Up next, VPM Hung Jui and Fernando, no hugging shots caught. Haha.

Next up, VPPR Daniel, and no hugging shots too.

Ah, next treasurer Fui Long and Fernando and a big hug of course!

Then a formal shot of Fui Long and Fernando.

Next up, SAA Selvi and Fernando..

And IPP Cheng Lin with Fernando.
And a formal shot.
Thanks to DTM Michael Wee that night for gracing our occasion.

This is only the 2nd batch of photos, if you do a quick count, there are 23 photos here. And to upload, write and edit takes about an hour.
So for a sweet entry, be patient. For an impatient blogger, it takes a lot of effort to sit and stare into the screen for a long time. For this, it took about 50 minutes, 10 minutes faster than the previous post.
Look out for the next one!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Installation Night Photos (I)

Here are the photos that people have been anticipating!!

Cheng San Toastmasters Club had its installation night on the 27 June 2007, where the outgoing EXCO gets discharged from their duties, and the incoming EXCO gets officially installed as the club officers...

There are about 100+ photos, of which I already have 50+, trying to put it all at one go will kill the blogger, so here's the first part, during the buffet dinner...

This was when everyone was busy eating their first round...

Then we like to snap people who are in action... *Snigger snigger* But we serve good food alright!

More of people in action..... Muahahaha...

Then the communication and chatting starts. In toastmasters, we learn communication skills, both speaking and listening, so chatting is a good way to start, and you get to build up your social network.

Let's see, from left we have Fernando, James (both from AIA Changi), Cheng Lin & Patricia.

Then there's Kervin (from Tampines Changkat TMC) and Esther, me!!

There's also Shenoy & Albert!!

Since Albert came back after such a long time, I decided to just spend one more minute to post another photo of him. WELCOME BACK ALBERT!

Then here comes the photographer cum outgoing president, Shuling and incoming assistant vice president education Lani...

Some members who haven't joined us for a long time came back to join in the fun too, there's Patricia.

Oh, and before we forget the spread of food....

This is stand-up comedian Fernando, current division 's' governor. He'll come in, in the later pictures, many of the pictures.

And Cliff!!! He's back too! He's our very own fireman. Wanna know why? Come down to our club to find out!

Since Cliff hasn't been back for a long time, I posted another picture of you too! WELCOME BACK CLIFF!

And pictures of members enjoying the food, there's Fui Long & Pek Chek.

Enough of dinner, now it's to the Toastmaster of the Evening, Guan Hau, to start off the installation night proper.

Till the next batch of pictures, stay tuned!