Hwee Ling the President Mentor, Me the IPPP,
Ronald the IPP and Current President Esther
Asst VPE Kenneth (L) and Hung Jui (R)

It's time to pamper us with a face mask.
We started this self-funded Exco Retreat 2 years ago and I have always enjoyed every minute of it. This year is not an exception and there were more activities~! We had a personality test and set our values for the term (For the "B" people), had Fun (For the "E"), built cameraderie (For "Ss") in a very well orchestrated manner ("T" this is for you)! After that we proceeded to Far East Plaza for our dinner we held a mini birthday celebration for Guan Hau! Happy Birthday! Last of all a very intimate sharing session where we practise listening with our ears and heart. I certainly hope that we'll continue to have such retreat as many years as possible because it simply helps everyone on a personal as well as at a club level.
Special thanks going out to Fuilong for conducting the class, Esther for organizing it, Ronald for booking the room @ Royal Plaza on Scotts and everyone who has participated in this event.
Cheng San Toastmasters Club's Values:
1. Valuable Friendship
2. Growth
3. Recognition
Click here to see more of us:
By your very efficient, Asst VPPR, Gwen Goh.