Cheng San TMC has much more others then just speeches and chapter meetings...
Like, we hold workshops and aspiring trainers get to train as part of their trainings.
Fui Long and Ronald below were the trainers for the Cheng San- Seletar CCMC workshop.
Of course, you get to help out as facilitator, or if not, you can just observe and get free enrichment! Ain't that good?
Apart from making speeches, we have speech contests, club level, area level, division level up to district and international levels. Your speeches don't just end at our CC conference room, you get to go on and win reputation and trophies for yourself!
Here's a picture of the Cheng San TMs supporting Ronald at the Division contest. You support your member and you get to watch others in action.
And of course, Ronald, a champion in his every right.
We also attend semi-annual conventions. Semi-annual conventions last 3 days inclusive of speech contests, champion speakers speaking and various other workshops conducted by Toastmasters who are trainers by profession.

And our champion meeting the international champion...

Not only you benefit from public speaking, we get to gather together as a club, to have fun and learn together!

One of our pictures during the convention in 2005, if I didn't remember wrongly.

If you happen to be in the executive committee which is of course limited to club members who are willing to volunteer and commit, we have management retreats like such.
And it comes with free manicure services.. See how Hung Jui enjoys it...
In our retreat, we have heart-to-heart talks to get to know one another better, and it helps in the communication when we understand one another better.
If such things put a smile on your face, then you ought to join the EXCO, which would be happy to have you in to have fun together with us!
Admist all those speeches and retreats and what nots, we never never forget to have fun and shoot it for evidence.
Like Fui Long who wanted to 'CHOP' the lift for us...
If you kinda realized, most picture/occasions contain mostly the executive committee, well, it is not only limited to the EXCO, for we only hold titles because it is conferred to us, and because we know one another so well that we always try to be there for one another.
Like what I said, Cheng San Toastmasters Club is not only retricted to speeches and boring people or old people. The youngest in the club is only 20, and that's me, posting blog entries here.
Join us today, or if you are contemplating whether to renew your membership, you should. Don't miss out the fun together with us!