Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wedding bells

Year end always seem to be a popular time of the year for couples to get married, isn't it?

Well well well, our dear President, Ronald, finally got married on 3rd December. On behalf of Cheng San Toastmasters Club, let me wish you a blissful marriage! 白头偕老,永结同心,儿孙满堂,多子多福。。。 okay should be enough of auspicious greetings. Yes Ronald, I remembered one of your dreams is to become a full-time father. Before that happens, you gotta work at it. *wink wink*

So as always, toastmasters gather to talk, toast (oh we finally really do real toasting, since we are called 'toastmasters'...what irony!), eeeat and take pictures!

Not all the pictures are with me so make do with the current collection first alright? The rest of the members, remember to upload the pictures to here and only here.
Its easier to manage the whole collection. I know a couple of you have feedback that you can't view the pictures in multiply.com . I have no idea why, I'm sorry I can't solve this technical problem as I am no IT expert. So the best I can do is to post all photos here on this blog.

I'm a woman with few words, so let me just cut short of the writing and present you with pictures and captions.

Esther is feeling lucky... haha

Daniel's face is red from drinking? or red from feeling the bliss to hold 2 pretty ladies?

Hung Jui and Daniel tries hard to get Esther to drink the wine. Notti boys....

As you can see at the corner of the picture, Kumar's brown fingers are really spoilers.

Kumar : "Duncha think my curly hair is sexy like me?"

Mother and son, Daniel and Nancy... don't you think they really look alike?

Cliff : "Esther is really pretty tonight!"

Love knows no bounderies. Let me give you a kiss Kumar!

All the guests at the table disappeared!!! Well, almost all of them are in the restroom, leaving Albert to enjoy his food.

The happy Cheng San family.

Posted by : Lani

***Disclaimer : The captions above are meant to entertain people. Please don't take it too seriously ok? If you feel its not appropriate, let me know and I'll remove them promptly.