But who are these appointment holders, what do they do and how do they go about doing it?
Appointment Holders (Part 1 of 8) is here to explain.
The first appointment to be explained: The Timer

What do they do?
The timer keeps track of the timing of all speakers for the chapter meeting.
The timer has 3 main responsibilities:
1) To time each speech/evaluation
2) To keep a timer's record for all speeches
3) To report the timings of each speech after the segment
The timer is endowed with the follow to help them:
1) A stopwatch (A digital one, not an analog one shown above, we very high-tech ok!)
2) A timing device with green, amber and red lights
3) A bell (TING TING!)
The general sequence is as follows: Light the green, amber and red light and then ring the bell. The timings of when the lights come on depend on the speeches. The bell will always sound 30 seconds after the red light is switched on.
How do they go about doing it?
For every speaker, there is an allocated time.
The timer will start timing:
1) at the first sound the speaker makes
2) at the first gesture made by the speaker
3) when the speaker begins to use a prop
After each speech, write down the time down on the timer's record sheet for each speaker/evaluator.
When reporting, say the name of the speaker, followed by the timing.
Example: Jane took 4 minutes and 50 seconds. Tom took 6 minutes and 21 seconds. Wayne took 7 minutes and 3 seconds.
Next, report the speakers who are eligible to be voted. If the speaker has spoken till the bell rang, then he/she is ineligible to be voted.
(Throw the stopwatch at him! Just kidding, lah.)
After the bell is rung 30 seconds after the red light is switched on, ring the bell once for every extra minute spoken as a reminder that his/her time is up.
In Toastmasters, we respect everybody's time and the extra time should not be taken up since everyone should get a chance to speak.
By yours truly
the President, Esther